Wednesday, December 31, 2014

10/1/11. More hings Learned

There are a few more things I have learned/that have been brought to my attention since living here. These; however are completely ridiculous. The last ones were too, but these are just plain silly:

1.      Revolving doors. They're everywhere. Though I am sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for having them (in every entrance to every building) but nonetheless, they are a great inconvenience to me and I'm sure to others. A reoccurring thought takes hold of my mind every time I use one, "What if I get stuck between the glass before I can get back out inside the building?" I know is sounds absurd, but I think I know why I began thinking this....Brett Hamilton. Several times, I have entered a revolving door and Brett jumps in behind me so I am sandwiched between him and the glass, making it nearly impossible to shuffle through the merry-go-round. Thanks for that, Brett.

2.      Automatic toilets. I don't like them. Never have, never will. They're supposed to be more sanitary, and I'm sure they are. I really don't like standing up and behind me, all of a sudden there's an obnoxious FWOOSH! It scares me to death. Even better, the toilets in the restroom in the cafeteria are ALL automatic. I use them quite frequently because for those of you who don't know, the toilet in our dorm room doesn't like to cooperate. It clogs for no reason. Look at it wrong and it will start to back up. Disgusting, I know. The maintenance man told me it's because we use too much toilet paper. I decided to challenge his theory one day and flushed the toilet whie there was nothing but water in the bowl and guess what? It clogged.

3.      Sirens. They go off every five minutes. I'm beginning to get used to it, but really people! Stop hurting yourselves. If you'd stop driving like a madman, the world would be a safer place for everyone. 'Nuff said.

4.      Cyclists. They ride with the cars on the street. When crossing the road, one needs to watch out for them too. Just because the light says it's okay for pedestrians to cross the road, it doesn't mean there's no chance of being run over... by a bicycle. (I did NOT learn this from experience, nor do I ever want to)

5.      Suitcases are weapons. One day, I was strolling along, minding my own business when all of a sudden, a man came from the opposite direction and took out my left leg with his suitcase! Yo! There's plenty of crosswalk for everyone!

It's a jungle out there. It's as true now as it was yesterday.


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