Wednesday, December 31, 2014

8/27/11. Moooove In!!!

Yesterday was move in day at the University Center, Columbia College Chicago. It was all so exciting! I was eagerly met by people ready to unload my luggage for me who then showed me to the elevators and to my dorm room on the eighth floor. Unpacking and arranging everything was so thrilling. I actually have more storage room here in my dorm than I did in my room at my home in Missouri! I met my temporary roommate (there wasn't enough available housing for her and her sister to share a room so she'll be in my room until something opens up) and suit mates, and explored the building. Mom left around 4:30.

My first night by myself was a little hard. I couldn't fall asleep for quite sometime, despite my exhaustion and the fact that I was in bed by 8:45. I believe I was beginning to nod off around 10 PM. Surprisingly, there was minimal noise from the city outside.I woke up this morning absolutely freezing! Though I so badly wanted to turn the air down, I was too cozy in my blankets and sunken into my pillows to move. My alarm clock went off at 7:30, but I ignored it just so I could stay on my fluffy cloud (my bed here is also much more comfortable than my bed in Missouri and my feet actually don't hang off the end of the mattress!) I finally forced myself out of bed around eight when my roommate and her sister came in from their early morning adventure. They left again only minutes after I rolled out of was just me all by myself. Then I heard the door squeak behind me then from one of my suit mates, “Whoa! I had now idea your hair was THAT long!” I turned around to see Alex gaping at my long, thick hair (it was in a ponytail yesterday).

Alex, Angela(my other suit mate) and I all decided to go to the cafeteria for some breakfast only to discover it didn't open for another hour at 11 so we ventured across the street to the Chicago Library, which is 10 stories high and has practically everything. We were so delighted to sign up for and receive our library cards! When 11 o'clock finally rolled around, were returned to the cafeteria where we enjoyed a scrumptious and completely satisfying brunch. Mom came over to drop off some groceries for me. We also went to Garrett Popcorn (home of the most sinfully delicious popcorn in the universe.)

After mom left, I rejoined Alex and Angela in our dorms and we all took the subway to Chinatown. There, we grabbed some dinner at a nice little (cheaper) restaurant. I was quite proud of myself for being able to eat my entire meal with chopsticks...or at least as much of it that I could fit in my stomach. Most of it I took back to my room for tomorrow. At the end of our meal our waitress returned with our bill which was written in Chinese characters. As you can imagine it was a bit difficult to figure out whose dish was whose so we could split the cost. We then explored a few candy shops and knick-knack places. It was so much fun! Tomorrow will be even more fun I'm sure since I get to go to the Willow Creek church just around the corner and go to the Taste of Greece!


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