Wednesday, December 31, 2014

7/30/11 Seaguls and Sunburn

Eight o'clock; I popped up out of bed and dressed myself to go to the beach. I ran upstairs and there was food all over the table waiting to be packed into the cooler and buried in ice. Taeopae was sitting on the other side of the table behind all the goodies with a bowl of cereal in front of her. She had a look of intense concentration as though she thought that if she wasn't carful, her Golden Grahams would escape from her bowl before she got the chance to pack them in her mouth. Amused, I sat beside her and poured myself a bowl of Cheerios.

We finally got going around 9:30. I really don't remember what time we arrived at the beach. I was too excited to even care. I was too busy taking in all the sites.

We settled a spot on the sand close-ish to the water and near the lifeguard tower. After kicking a soccer ball around a bit and wading in the freezing water of Lake Michigan, I decided to "lay out" for a bit. During this time I observed a little family of seagulls destroying a bag of potato chips. The owners of these potato chips waded in the water, oblivious to the lunchtime sabotage. So, rather than being the good citizen I ought to be, I whipped out my camera and commemorated the moment.

Four hours later..... Aunt Cindy pulls out of one of the many beach bags a blue squeeze bottle which could be nothing other than the neglected sunblock. She tossed it to me saying, "You're shoulders look real nice, Danielle." Great. Turned out that in addition to my crispy shoulders, I also had rosy cheeks, lobster thighs, and a tan line down my back where my braid dangled. As a semi helpful solution (aside from applying layer upon layer of sunblock) I reluctantly returned to the frigid waves to cool my sun-touched skin. It worked until I put my shirt back on over my swimsuit. Now the aloe gel is starting to sound real nice. I'm thinking a cold shower is in order.


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